— Sustainability

Giobert S.p.A. and the Giobert Group adopt a responsible approach to generate sustainable value over time. Management promotes environmental and social practices, fostering a conscious corporate culture.

Activities are conducted in compliance with laws and involve workers and their representatives. The ESG Policy, inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 and the principles of the UN Global Compact, identifies fundamental principles and guides the Group’s ESG performance initiatives and objectives.

Download the ESG Policy document_EN – 07/12/2023

Download the ESG Policy document_ITA – 07/12/2023

Download the ESG Policy document_ALB – 07/12/2023

Download the ESG Policy document_BRA – 07/12/2023

Download the ESG Policy document_POL – 07/12/2023


The Giobert Group is actively committed to environmental protection, adhering to regulations, and minimizing the impacts of its operations.
Through ongoing monitoring and strategic decisions, we strive to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and provide environmentally friendly products.

We advocate for energy efficiency and the utilization of renewable sources, while responsibly managing water resources and minimizing material consumption by prioritizing reuse and eco-friendly materials.

We manage waste responsibly by minimizing, recycling, and recovering, and we monitor air and noise pollution to ensure compliance with regulations.


The Giobert Group is committed to safeguarding workers’ rights and minimizing the social impacts of its activities. We ensure dignified working conditions, equal treatment, and opportunities for all. Priority is given to the health and safety of employees, with ergonomic workstations, training, and protective equipment.

We prioritize employee well-being and offer appropriate benefits, as well as promote the professional development of our staff.

We actively contribute to local development by collaborating with the community to foster economic and social growth.


The governance system of the Giobert Group aims to maximize value in the medium to long term and ensure transparency while adhering to regulations and principles of the Code of Ethics. We ethically monitor and manage issues such as corruption, protection of confidential information, and financial reporting.

The Group has adopted an organizational model and a Sustainability Working Group to address ESG challenges. We create economic value and ensure customer satisfaction through quality management systems and continuous monitoring.

We invest in quality, health and safety certifications, and the environment. Significant resources are allocated to R&D to innovate our products, acquire expertise, and ensure sustainable and resilient long-term growth.

We actively cooperate with our supply chain to promote the introduction of socially responsible behavior and ensure the protection of human and workers’ rights and respect for the environment.

Whistleblowing Channel

Giobert has established channels for reporting violations and irregularities within the Group’s business.
The platform is active, which guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter’s identity, the persons involved, and the content of the report and related documentation through IT modalities and encryption tools.

The channel can be reached directly from the web platform at the following link

[Currently menus, information and procedures are only in Italian].